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PACKAging Instructions

Packaging is a really important job and we’re glad you chose to do this! As a packager, you’ll be packaging masks into plastic bags, with a few other things inside. 


Each month you will have 1-2 packaging assignments. You will get about one week for each assignment, meaning one week to package about 50-100 masks. 

If you ever need more time, don’t hesitate to shoot us an email at and we will work something out with you. 



  1. Purchase Plastic Bags: For this job, you will need to purchase plastic bags, as mentioned above. Here is the link. We strongly encourage you to buy these at least one week before you start packaging because they will take time to ship. 


  1. Print and cut small slips: These slips are a little something we put in packages to publicize and give our contacts. You will need to print many copies of this out (depending on how many masks we are donating) and cut all of them out. Again, please try to have this ready a week before the packaging starts. 


  1. Collect Drop-offs: One week before our scheduled donation, you will receive masks and cards from other members on the team. You all will need to coordinate to set a time to pick-up/drop off masks. Once you get these supplies, immediately start packaging. 



  1. Package the three items: Take one plastic bag and put in one of each item; one mask, one card, and one slip. You will notice that the bags have a sticky strip in order to close it. Remove the film and press the strip firmly onto the bag. That’s all you need to do! Repeat for all of them. 

  2. Drop off to us: After you are done packaging, load all the plastic bags into a box. If you do not have a box, you can put them in a bigger plastic bag, but a box is preferable. Drop off to us (we will give the address once we are in contact with you). 

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